
「自我空间」  Act Reality

Company Profile

A “Personal Space Creating” Company.

That is Our Mission!

We Act Reality, offer you hassle free solutionsto your accommodation needs,(living,staying, relaxing and resting)in Tokyo’s central locations.

Our Director’s Greetings

ACT REALITY is the core company of the “Personal Space Creating” Enterprise ACT GROUP.

We Offer:
Living in the city center: Offering shared housing and rental housing, mainly in Shinjuku area.
Relaxing and resting in the city center: Operating high class internet cafes in Akasaka area.
Staying in the city center: Owning and operating hotels right in the heart of Tokyo, Roppongi, and Ikejiri Ohashi in Shibuya area.
Child care services in the city center: Operating nursery school in Ikegami area.

Personal Space Creating Company Act Reality aspires to continuously creating comfortable living and relaxing spaces in the city center.

A company that makes Dreams, Feelings, and Future your realityAct Reality is thanking you for your continuous kind support, and is looking forward to your long term patronage.

株式会社アクトリアリティー代表取締役 野﨑 義雄

Company Profile

> 公司简介 pdf
公司名 株式会社 ACT REALITY
地 址 郵便160-0022 东京都新宿区新区6−12−8 ACT PLAZA新宿2楼
成 立 日 2007年12月17日
注 册 资 本 金 3,000万日元
法 人 代 表 董事长 野﨑 義雄
业 务 内 容 1. 收购和保有房地产
2. 房地产买卖、中介
3. 房地产租赁和管理
4. 取得、持有不动产信托受益权
5. 第二种金融商品交易业
6. 托儿所的经营
7. 保险代理业
8. 网吧的经营
9. 酒店、旅馆、简易住宿的经营、管理及业务委托
10. 香烟及酒类的销售
商 业 登 记 住宅用地交易业 东京都知事(2)第92103号
第二类金融商品交易业 关东地方财政局(金商)第1835号
交 易 银 行 三井住友银行 麹町分店
瑞穗银行 四谷分店
瑞穗银行 四谷分店